It's over, and I have to admit I'm glad. I'm tired, but it's also one of the times when I'm "good tired." I'm glad to have connected with dozens of young men and women who are getting fired up to serve God--wherever and whenever. I think the enemy is taking a real hit this week...we shall see.
This morning, speaker Ajith Fernando finished up the all-week study of Ephesians, talking about that passage which goes over the full armor of God. He brought up an interesting point...that the enemy strikes where you're most vulnerable. If I strengthen in one area and neglect another, guess where the enemy is going to strike next? I want to take this seriously and begin 2007 in a way that honors God, rather than serving my own flesh. How that's going to happen tomorrow, as I wait all day for my plane, I'm not so certain. If you're reading this, I'd appreciate your prayers. I think I'm developing a fever tonight, and I don't wish to pass it on to others.
All for now--thanks for interceding.
Stretched but not forsaken,
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