Monday, October 13, 2008

Dying daily

Last year, I attended a funeral with my wife, Katherine, and we found it difficult to avoid cracking up during one of the "Special Music" moments performed by the departed lady's nephews and niece. You see, they mangled the lyrics of a fairly well-known song in a unique way. The song was by Fernando Ortega, titled "Give Me Jesus," and its performers are supposed to sing:
"In the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, give me Jesus."
Instead, these mourning relatives obviously had something else on their minds, as they mistakenly sang (I kid you not): "In the morning when I die, in the morning when I die, in the morning when I die, give me Jesus."
The performance effectively ruined the song for us for the rest of our lives, as we find it pretty impossible to hear the song on the radio without singing along, "In the morning when I die!"
Then yesterday, I was thinking about Jesus' call for his followers to take up their crosses daily and follow Him, and I remembered that song, "In the morning when I die..." and realized that each morning I can choose to "die" to my own desires and perceived needs or live for myself and miss what God wants to give in place of what I'm grasping to own, build, and receive glory through. Having Jesus to fill me up makes it possible to die to self daily. Maybe God speaks to me through incidents like this, or maybe I'm making too much out of very little, but I know that the remade song speaks to me in a new way that most Christian music does not, so I praise God for it.

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