Friday, September 16, 2005

No Perfection Please

Many people might think that I, having worked for a Christian org. like Firestone for nearly seven years, have a job where people are kind to one another, considering others more important than themselves, and full of Christ's love...and, in many cases, they'd be right. I work for a non-profit with high goals and solid leadership. But we continue to sin, as in all human endeavors. That is part of the reason why, now that I have Internet access at home, I'm required to use Covenant Eyes on my computer, showing another person which websites I'm accessing on a monthly basis. It's the reason why we have auditors come each year to examine our financial accounting. And it's why, next week, we're going to take 3 days out of our normal routine to attend a Peacemaking seminar led by a longtime Firestone leader and his wife. We need to learn how to handle conflict in godly ways, along with our field workers. Most people are surprised to learn that the #1 reason people end up leaving the field is because they can't /won't get along with their fellow team members or leader. This should not be so, but...

It's also been said that if a person has habitual sin and marriage conflict or health issues while in the U.S., those problems can and do usually become more intense serving on the field. But I also believe there are distinct advantages to abandoning an American lifestyle and committing oneself to a team's approach for living the life of Christ on earth, as His body. In some cases, being on the field, away from fleshly comforts, can actually lead you to truly rely on Christ, who laid down His life for us and calls us to do the same.

The last few weeks have been intense for us personally. Trying to consider all things as rubbish compared to knowing Christ...not the easiest thing to do when you're looking at your circumstances and wondering how to make it through one more day without giving up. Last night, President Bush was talking about the "whims of nature" and, alomost in the same breath, referring to a God who cares for us. Whose whims could he be talking about then, if not the Lord's? And I don't think He has whims--just purposes and plans that are being carried out with Divine perfection. He really is in control, though we don't undestand why He allows different conflicts to intrude within our perfect circles of "safety". More later...

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