Thursday, October 20, 2005

Disqualifying People

Can anybody who volunteers be a missionary? Does God care about the quality of people He chooses to use, or merely quantity? What could stop God from using anyone He chooses? The answer to the last, of course, is no one. But there does seem to be a lot of blockages helping to keep people from getting to the field. Even when agencies like ours desperately want them there--there are pauses that can take years and even prove to eliminate some of the people who may have once felt called to the mission field.

I have been working with a man who's quite skilled in many areas, and he wanted to go work in one of the most dangerous regions of the world. He was excited, but we weren't quite ready to send him off for training because it was so expensive, and we wanted lots of other people to benefit from this training alongside him. So he waited, and waited, and we kept telling him a target month, then another, then one more, and...

Finally, he made a choice at work that made it very hard for him to finally go, once we were ready to send him. We respect that choice, but I ask God, "Why?" "Why were we not able to send this man overseas, who seemed so qualified and ready?" I don't have an answer yet, but, for now, it seems to be, "Wait and see."

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